Thursday, March 11, 2010

Review: Belle by Cameron Dokey

Belle: A Retelling of Beauty and the Beast
by Cameron Dokey
Fairy Tale, YA
256 pages
published: 2008
For: Fun
4 of 5 stars

Honestly, this is another retelling of Beauty and the Beast. There ya go. But, I loved it. I have a thing for fairy tales, and this fairy tale is probably my favorite of all. Why should you read this version?
  • Cameron Dokey is beautiful with words. It feels like she is speaking directing to me and making me beautiful through her words. (All right, that might not make sense...and yet it does.)
  • The "curse" is different and interesting.
  • Belle has a hobby - and it's not reading.
  • The Beast has a bit more personality in this one. That is often the biggest weakness I find in retellings. The man deserves some personality!
  • There is some philosophy on beauty that was interesting.
  • Belle has a mother! And a mother with a personality. 
  • It pulled me in and took me to a magic and romantic place.
  • The ending isn't dropped off a cliff. Thank you denouement!
What isn't so new?
  • There is a lot of similarity to Beauty by Robin McKinley: merchant father losing his wealth, two older sisters, move to the country...
  • Rushing through the get-to-know-you-falling-in-love part. At least that is how I usually feel. If I were to write a retelling (now there's an idea!) that would be the bulk of the book.
I did love this book. I read it in one evening and it was a breath of fresh air. Sometimes I just need to air out my reading sensibilities.

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