Monday, May 10, 2010

Listful Mondays: Sections in my Library

Sections in My Library

This might seem like a strange or boring subject, but I thought it would be interesting, so there! 

Actually, I did think it would be interesting because I know my library is organized in a way that make sense to me and is according to the books I actually own. I figured everyone would approach things differently, and have different sections depending on what books they collected. That's why. So here goes - in the order of scanning around the room clockwise:
  1. Adult Fantasy and Science Fiction (Fantasy outnumbers by far, and these are all paperback in very short shelves. It is the biggest section in the library mostly due to all the books my husband came with.) 
  2. Fantasy Hardback (This section is due to the fact that the hardbacks don't fit in the short shelves. It has both adult and YA fantasy.) 
  3. Contemporary YA (This is a default section. Everything here doesn't fit anywhere else genre-wise.)
  4. Middle Grade (This has a large number of books in a small section since the books are so small - many Magic Treehouse, Fairy books, A to Z mysteries, and the like. There is a large stack sitting on floor in front of shelf because we are out of room.)
  5. YA Historical Fiction
  6. YA Fantasy
  7. Fairy Tale Retellings
  8. YA Survival
  9. YA War
  10. Children's Books Out-of-Reach (This is for all those pictures books {old, special, or holiday} that I don't want accessible to small hands.)
  11. Science (Large section with animal/dinosaur/chemistry/anatomy/nature/space books. There are some history thrown in.)
  12. Audio Books
  13. Computer Books (These are slated for boxes and the basement. I need more room for prettier and readable books. :)
  14. Health/Development/Pregnancy Stuff
  15. Religious (Big section. Very varied. From study guides to biographies to school notes to family histories.
  16. Text Books (The stuff from college that I couldn't part with. Mostly English books.)
  17. Poetry
  18. Humor
  19. Non-Fantasy Adult Books and Classics (This section is growing now that I occasionaly read and acquire things that fit here. In the past this section has been so small that I've attempted to do away with it entirely by giving away the three books there. My husband wouldn't let me - he has emotional value attached to that copy of Ben Hur in spanish. But it's a good thing now. I've expanded it to include classics recently.)
  20. How-To and Reference (Hiking books, How to Raise Your Spirited Child, and all that jazz, along with my huge thesaurus and rhyming dictionaries.)
  21. Early Readers (This shelf is actually my salvation. If I had to rely on someone else for enough books to fill my learning readers' required time I'd just die.) 
  22. The Stuff That's Left (I've got yearbooks here, health books that didn't fit in the other spot, and I know not what.)
  23. Picture and Board Books (This is actually a whole huge shelf that didn't fit in the library, but you can see it from the doorway. The board books are tossed into plastic bins that fit into the lower cubbies of the shelf. I love Ikea.)
  24. In Transit Shelf (This shelf is in my bedroom and contains many TBR books and books recently finished and on their way down stairs.
  25. Library Box (A pretty Ikea organizing thing in the front room to keep the library books corralled.)
  26. Piano Music (Another Ikea thing in the front room holding volumes of piano music.)
There ya go! How is your library organized?? I'd love to read about it.

{Next week: Books I Have Lost}

PS Sorry for the tardiness of this post today. We were out of town for the weekend, and then I woke up to pukey kids. We'll see how blogging goes this week! 


  1. Well, mine is organized underneath the clutter, LOL! I basically have a shelf for my L.M. Montgomery books, my Charles de Lint books, and my Harry Potter books. I have another bookcase that has one and a half shelves for the well-loved books I had when I was a kid. I have another shelf and a half for my favorite other books, which is a mix of classics, fantasy, and maybe a little contemporary stuff. Another two shelves are crammed full of photo albums. Then I ran out of room and started shoving everything in and around and on top of everything else and it looks like a gigantic mess now. And that doesn't include the 8 or 9 knee-high stacks of unread books I have stacked around my office! New bookcases will be the next furniture I buy!

    I have an award for you on my blog.

  2. I totally love hearing how others organize their bookcases. It gives me such a high to go through mine and come up with new orders. The b00knerd in me is salivating! I'm totally gonna have to do a post like this when I get back to my place (dog sitting my mom's critters for the next few).

  3. My list is very different than yours! (For once... usually I'm trying very hard not copy you!)

  4. JenG - That was confusing just to read! Makes me want to help you get your new shelves and be your organization assistant. lol.

    Christina - Looking forward to hearing about YOUR library. Hope your Mom is feeling better soon.

  5. My library has a Star Wars section, a Star Trek section, a Harry Potter section, a YA section, a books-I'm-planning-to-read-soon section, a textbooks-to-sell-on-Amazon section, a political section belonging to Aaron, a comic book section (also Aaron's), a recipe section, a dictionary, scriptures, photo albums, and movies (mostly Aaron's). I look forward to expanding my library when I have more room!
