Hitler Youth
by Susan Campbell Bartoletti
Non-fiction, War, WWII
176 pages
published: 2006
5 of 5 stars
This take on WWII was through the focus of the children of Germany. For me it was refreshing, satisfying, educational, terrifying, and heart-breaking. Though I have read dozens of WWII books, there were many things I had never heard about. There were also many photographs that were fascinating and beautiful and horrible.
The books followed several specific teenagers: some whose actions haunted them for the rest of their lives, some whose stories ended abruptly, and some whose bravery inspired generations. All were given their fair chance to share their views and the reasons they did what they did when they did it. There was no judgment, only understanding and compassion for all the different paths that the teenagers took. Compassion for the brainwashed generation and a logical look at how Hitler used the youth as a tool.
It was an amazing read that didn't feel like "non-fiction" to me. It deserved the awards it received.
Recommended For: everyone old enough to handle it
This sounds like a fascinating book. Sorry it's taken me so long to get your review posted on the challenge blog. You can find it here.
Diary of an Eccentric
This does sound like an essential-I just finished "Milkweed" and was amazed by it-I will for sure read "Hitler Youth"