Sunday, February 28, 2010

Thift Stores

I had a mission: go to the thrift stores and find an ugly chair, and if possible some serving bowls. I need bigger serving bowls. I went to Savers and the DI. I found NO ugly chairs and NO serving bowls.

I came home with two bags of books.

Isn't this world beautiful?

Later, when I explained my ambitions for an ugly chair to Robyn, she got excited and forced me to the American Fork DI even though I was not feeling well. And guess what?

We found more books!

I even found Avalanche by Arthur Roth. I've been wanting a copy and to reread that book for a long time! (It made an indelible impression on me when it was read out loud in class some time in grade school.)

And guess what else?

I found an ugly chair!!

The chair is not actually as ugly as I had hoped, and in quite a different style than I had imagined, but I think it will be spectacular. And it happens to be comfy. Watch for future sightings of my green ugly Beast chair.

I just love book loot...

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